
Features | 29 January 2024

Meet the two newest members of the team

In August last year, two new and dynamic colleagues joined the MGCfutures team: Kashish Gaba and Daniel Gonzalez, sharing the role of Creative Administrator.

What exactly does the job involve?

“Essentially, maintaining and developing the charity’s work in supporting the theatre makers of the future,” explains Daniel. “This includes running the bursary programme, organising fundraising activities and nurturing relationships with recipients, patrons and board members.”

How does the job share work in practice?

“Kashish and I complement each other in our respective skills and experience,” says Daniel. Kashish agrees: “We combine our strengths to effectively manage our roles. While Daniel specializes in marketing and communication, my focus is on financial aspects and fundraising. We collaborate to maintain a cohesive approach to our work.”

Before joining MGCfutures, Daniel worked as an actor and theatre maker and then made the transition to arts marketing and talent development, working in marketing agencies, arts venues and events companies. Kashish was previously a recipient of MGCfutures’ Cultural Entrepreneurship Bursary. At that point, he explains, his career “took a significant turn and I shifted my focus from my previous roles to embrace a more supportive role within the theatre industry.”

Having now been at MGCfutures for a few months, what do you enjoy about working for the charity?

“I love that it genuinely feels like a creative environment where new ideas are welcomed,” says Daniel. “It’s very collaborative and we often have to put our heads together to find solutions.” This has been Kashish’s experience too: “Innovative ideas are not only welcomed but encouraged.” Beyond this, they enjoy the charity’s fundamental purpose of nurturing and enabling others. “It feels great to support artists and, in turn, contribute to positive changes in the theatre industry,” says Daniel. “Working closely with the team allows me to contribute to the positive transformation of the industry,” adds Kashish. “I take pride in supporting artists and ultimately making a meaningful difference in the world of theatre.”

Together, they’re very much focused on the future of the charity as it grows in strength and reach. “With MGCfutures, I can now work towards growing a great charity and expanding the ways in which we can support artists,” explains Daniel. Kashish shares this view: “In the next five years, I hope to see MGCfutures continue to grow and make an even greater impact on the theatre world, ensuring that we expand our reach and find new ways to support emerging theatre makers, thus leaving an enduring legacy in the field.”